Are staff recruitment costs eligible for funding?
Staff recruitment is a legitimate project cost.
Are there restrictions on project duration? Does ANLEC R&D have an end date like a CRC?
Currently, projects must be completed by 2020. ANLEC R&D does have an end date; please contact us for more information.
Does ANLEC R&D have a process to deal with conflict of interest in the assessment of research proposals?
ANLEC R&D Management will retain ownership of the review process and it is necessary for us to ensure fair processes are operative. ANLEC R&D processes are designed to avoid conflicts of interest and retain executive control and responsibility for the research program.
Is ANLEC R&D seeking multi-year proposals or is there an annual application and approval process?
Proposals that go over one year are eligible. ANLEC R&D also expects that there will be an annual call for proposals. In future years this will be an initial call and selection based on short form proposals. Only eligible proposals from the first stage will then be requested to submit detailed proposals in a second selection stage. Successful proposals will be stage gated to ensure decision points are available to meet the desired outcomes.
Is enabling research work part of the call? (e.g. electricity grid modelling to study the penetration of CCS in the Australian grid)
To the extent that such work will make Alternatives & Fundamentals a significant difference to enabling LECTs in Australia, it is considered eligible. It should be noted that such topics may be of interest within the ANLEC R&D targeted research program and where such opportunity presents, it will be taken.
Is the minimum 1:1 matching in-kind investment criteria only for the Alternative & fundamentals program or all of ANLEC R&D programs?
ANLEC R&D research operates under two different two programs:
- The Targeted Research Program encapsulates several nodes of research which ANLEC R&D believes could provide a commercially viable LECT solution in a relatively short period of time. These projects aim to capitalise on a range of existing, small scale studies which provide a base level of understanding of the relationship between coal use and emissions control.
- The Alternative & Fundamental Program consists of a number of concepts and ideas which amount to a step change on current thinking and technology, be it in terms of process or performance. Through these projects, ANLEC R&D will attempt to develop a range of new proprietary technologies, test them – through small scale to various pilot projects – before integrating them into LECT systems. Success in these projects will result in improved LECT systems.
The required 1:1 co-investment is specified for the Alternatives and Fundamentals Program proposals only. The ANLEC R&D targeted research programs will have different co-investment criteria.
Is work on Brown Coal applications excluded, (i.e. referred to the BCIA?)
ANLEC R&D will retain its independent options to commission brown coal related research. However, ANLEC R&D and BCIA are committed to working together and, therefore, there will be consultation between both parties in relation to brown coal applications.
What are eligible co-investment sources?
Co-investment can come from researchers themselves (e.g.: ARC grants etc), state Governments, power generators etc. Co-investment from industry sources, if present, will probably reflect positively on the relevance/utility of the proposal and will be part of the balance of several criteria that contribute to a successful proposal.
What are future calls going to look like? Are they more dedicated towards specific technologies or addressing particular issues?
Future calls will be shaped from ANLEC R&D experience gained from previous rounds, the resources that are available and priorities as they emerge. We don’t rule out tailoring future requests for proposals to specific areas of research.
What is a typical project size? Are you expecting projects of $50,000 or projects of $500,000
ANLEC R&D does not wish to exclude what may be good ideas, solely on pre-determined limits. Assessment will be made on the strength of technical merit and value proposition for the proposals.
What is meant by “cost of providing consumables should be an in-kind contribution”?
The cost of “providing” consumables is considered an overhead. However, the costs of the consumables themselves are legitimate project expenditures.
What is the principle of additionality?
ANLEC R&D contracts will require an undertaking that the work programs submitted in a grant application are unique and have not been awarded funding through any other agencies. However, proposals may seek to specify and undertake additional work to build on the outcomes of research currently underway.
Will ANLECR&D give allowances for the project to start when the qualified personnel are on board?
Proposals are encouraged to provide a project schedule. These schedules should be designed to take account of the time expected for various project activities (recruitment included). All this will be part of the proposal quality and will inform the assessment/review processes.
For information on current projects, or upcoming Funding Programs, please revisit this page regularly.