Project Summary

In this project, the potential use of nanofiltration (NF) and electrodialysis (ED) as an in-situ treatment of degraded Monoethanolamine (MEA) solution is investigated. The aim is to separate the heat stable salts from the system hence minimising the cost of CO2 capture by reducing the amount of fresh solvent make-up required, the extent of corrosion and the cost of waste disposal.

Available Reports

Cost-effective membrane technologies for carbon dioxide capture – membrane processes for amine contaminant removal: Final Report

This project has clearly shown the potential of electrodialysis as a mechanism to purify MEA solvents during carbon capture applications. Up to 92 % of the heat stable salts has been removed from an industrial aged MEA solvent using this approach. The research team found the Astom Neosepta AHA and CMB membranes the most effective for this application, although the Fumatech Fumasep FAB/FKB pair also showed potential. The choice of operating conditions, and specifically the current density selected for such an operation will be a balance between operating and capital costs. Low current densities lead to high current efficiencies, which reduce the overall energy demand. However, at these lower current densities, more membrane area will be required adding to capital costs.

Project Name:
Cost-Effective Membrane Technologies for Carbon Dioxide Capture – Membrane Processes for Amine Contaminant Removal

Research Organisation:

Completed, 2014

Josephine Lim, Alita Aguiar, Ludovic Dumée, Geoff Stevens, Colin Scholes, Dianne Wiley, Sandra Kentish


Research Program: Post Combustion Capture
Demonstration: General (PCC)
Research Focus: Post Combustion Capture, Capture

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