Project Summary

This research project aims to better characterise the sources of reservoir heterogeneity in the Wonnerup Member and assess its impact on injectivty, vertical migration, and containment via a series of reservoir simulations. The application outcome for this knowledge is a risk based modelling methodology that provides a system to rank the storage site criteria of injectivity, capacity, and containment.

Available Reports

Facies Schema to characterise Vertical permeability and Baffles in the Wonnerup Member

This study looked at whether stratigraphic fabric changes due to pressure, temperature and deposition contributed to porosity and permeability controls in the Wonnerup. The researchers explored the possibility to predict these features from well log signatures over intervals without core. The most promising outcome from this study was identification of two electro-facies that correlate to low permeability facies that may represent baffles to vertical CO2 migration. These had 100 per cent agreement with the low permeability electro-facies from other sources, and consistently showed agreement with the fine-grained facies picked in cores. In addition, the electro-facies baffles appear to increase in frequency with depth, highlighting baffles that not only relate to the depositional facies, but picking out poorer reservoir quality layers that may instead be related to diagenetic alteration.

The influence of heterogeneity and diagenesis on injectivity and containment in the Wonnerup Member: Final report

Project Name:
The influence of heterogeneity and diagenesis on injectivity and containment in the Wonnerup Member

Research Organisation:

Completed, 2019


Research Program: Carbon Transport + Storage
Demonstration: Southern Perth Basin
Research Focus: Facies Rock prop, geomechanics fault fracture well bore, Containment, Leakage risks and fluxes, Rock Properties Relative Perm

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