Project Summary

The objective of this work is to understand the short and medium-term impacts of the various State and Federal renewable targets. The electricity grid in Australia is changing from a centralised coalbased generation system, to a grid with increasingly larger amounts of weather dependent wind and solar. Technology options, policy positions and societal expectations are all contributing to the changes taking place. The work will look at the 2025 target for Victoria (40% renewable generation) and the 2030 target for Queensland (50% renewable generation) by running all combinations with and without those constraints. A MEGs model for the Western Australian South West Interconnected System (SWIS) will also be developed.

Recent case study reports are also available by clicking here.

Available Reports

The Effect of Renewable Energy Targets on the National Energy Market

This first report looks at Queensland and Victorian renewable energy targets (QRET and VRET) modelling using MEGS, which takes account of the enduring need for grid strength and reliability services.

A summary of the report can be downloaded here.

Renewable and the NEM: What are the limits and what else is needed to go zero?

The second report for this project presents modelling that seeks to examine a “very high renewables world” that minimises fossil fuel consumption whilst aiming for 90% decarbonisation of the National Electricity Market.

A summary of the report can be downloaded here.

Project Name:
Modelling Energy and Grid Services (MEGS) – Continuing Case Studies

Research Organisation:
Gamma Energy Technology P/L, Red Vector, UK

Completed, 2018

Andy Boston, Geoff Bongers, Stephanie Byrom


Research Program: Techno-Economic Analysis
Demonstration: General (Techno-Economic Analysis)
Research Focus: Energy scenarios modelling

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