Project Summary

Otway Stage 3 consisted of drilling four deviated monitoring wells for the CO2 plume injected from CRC-3. It aimed to validate various monitoring alternatives, provide workflows for monitoring design, monitoring operations, and effective data processing and interpretation The outcomes provide reduced cost and reduced impact subsurface monitoring technologies and workflows, including subsurface multi-well 4D VSP, pressure inversion, earth-tide response and pressure tomography. It planned to ensure low cost, long term tool performance and reliability, and address operational challenges relating to environmental and socio-political impacts and location access challenges.

For more information on the Otway Project please visit the CO2CRC website:

The Otway Research Facility

Project Name:
Otway Stage 3, Execute and Operate

Research Organisation:


P Barraclough


Research Program: Carbon Transport and Storage
Demonstration: Otway
Research Focus: Public Acceptance, Pressure plume detection mobility, Well based monitoring

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