Project Summary
The objective of this work is to allow the construction of the best possible static geo-cellular model of the Precipice Sandstone storage reservoir by maximising the geological data relevant to fluid flow that can be derived from detailed examination of relevant Precipice outcrops.
The results of this project will improve both the general understanding of the basin and the models that can be built to predict the behaviour of injected CO2 in the Basin. The project takes advantage of the fact that the reservoir unit for the Surat basin project can be seen at an outcrop not far from the proposed demonstration site, and can therefore be studied in more detail than is possible from just subsurface sampling.
To populate static geocellular models, the project has developed a series of outcrop models, using detailed interpretation of sedimentary geobodies, their bounding dimensions and internal fabric, and their grain-size distributions that define facies. A densely drilled area with open file data near to the Glenhaven area was selected to develop a workflow for modelling the distribution and connectivity of potential baffling units, using depositional concepts developed from the outcrop studies.
This is the first time that data gathered from the outcrop will be directly relevant to the construction of a static geological model which can be up-scaled to a regional model.