Project Summary

This research presents an alternative approach to estimating inter-well geological variability and the associated rock properties required for the construction of static geological models of saline formations. A stratigraphic forward model is proposed for the time period from 248 Ma to 190 Ma (Lower Lesueur to Cockleshell Gully Equivalents) in the South Perth Basin candidate area for the geological sequestration of CO2. The goal is to determine the distribution of grainsize and primary porosity of Triassic and Lower Jurassic sediments, below seismic resolution, and away from well data across the study area.

Available Reports

Stratigraphic forward modelling for South West Collie Hub: Phase one - Static Model

The project has demonstrated an alternate workflow for producing a static reservoir model for geological sequestration of CO2. The workflow was based on limited well and seismic data constraints, and used the Sedsim stratigraphic forward modelling software to translate a conceptual geological model into a cellular geological volume. This volume will form the basis of a reservoir flow simulation of CO2 injection into the Lesueur Sandstone. Two models have been produced; a 5000 m grid over the 75 km x 40 km area, and within this, a nested 500 m grid over the Collie Hub dynamic model area of 15 km x 10 km. A blind test of porosity distribution at the Harvey-1 well location suggests that the model may be suitable for use as the basis of a dynamic reservoir simulation.

Project Name:
Stratigraphic forward modelling for South West Collie Hub

Research Organisation:

Completed, 2013

Cedric M. Griffiths, Zahra Seyedmehdi, Tristan Salles, Chris Dyt


Research Program: Carbon Transport + Storage
Demonstration: Southern Perth Basin
Research Focus: Injectivity, Modelling Errors & Uncertainties, Strat Forward modelling

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